Join the Open RAN Summit @Taipei, 17-18 June 2024

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Press Releases

O-RAN ALLIANCE Announces Its New Chair of the Board

O-RAN ALLIANCE Announces Its New Chair of the Board

Effective June 25, 2024, Dr. Abdurazak Mudesir, Group CTO of Deutsche Telekom, was elected as Chair of the O-RAN ALLIANCE’s Board

O-RAN ALLIANCE Global PlugFest Spring 2024 Focused on Five Themes to Accelerate O-RAN Adoption

O-RAN ALLIANCE Global PlugFest Spring 2024 Focused on Five Themes to Accelerate O-RAN Adoption

  • For the first time, O-RAN PlugFest focused on themes prioritized within O-RAN ALLIANCE
  • PlugFest themes help to aim global efforts in O-RAN testing and integration to increase efficiency and speed up technology development cycle
  • Participants at the Spring 2024 PlugFest achieved improvements in areas of RAN energy consumption resulting in TCO optimization, efficiency of O-RAN deployments, and broadening the offer of open and intelligent RAN products on the market


Statements and Announcements

O-RAN Demos for MWC Shanghai 2024 Showcase Intelligent Solutions Improving QoS, Smart Manufacturing and RAN Testing

  • Intelligent RAN solutions enhance indoor and outdoor positioning, benefiting smart factory operations and improving Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Advanced RAN testing solutions focus on energy efficiency and simulations of real-world network situations

69 New or Updated O-RAN Technical Documents Released since November 2023

Since November 2023, O-RAN WGs and FGs published 69 technical documents, bringing the total to 112 titles in current version and 561 documents overall. 11 documents represent new titles.


O-RAN White Papers and Resources

Zero Trust Architecture for Secure O-RAN

It is important that 5G and next-G networks providing critical infrastructure and mission critical use cases are built with a Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) to protect against external and internal threats. ZTA is the evolution of the zero trust concept to a concrete plan based upon multi-layered security controls that provide confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, and authorization protections from internal and external threats. The O-RAN ALLIANCE is committed to pursue a ZTA through stages of a maturity model that achieve a strong security posture to protect against evolving threats.


In the News

Vodafone and the i2CAT Foundation to jointly develop automated Open RAN management system for greater innovation and security

Vodafone and the i2CAT Foundation – a leading technological research centre – announced that they will use the improved automation offered by Open Radio Access Networks (RAN) to jointly build a highly responsive multi-vendor management system to fix faults and respond to cyber threats faster and more cheaply.

Read the full announcement here.

The Open 6G OTIC at Northeastern University Announces General Availability of Open RAN Testing and Integration Solutions

The Open6G Open Testing and Integration Center (OTIC) at the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things (WIoT) at Northeastern University announces the general availability of testing and integration solutions for Open RAN, including conformance, interoperability, and end-to-end testing based on the O-RAN ALLIANCE specifications.

Read the full announcement here.



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