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PlugFests and OTICs in the World
Alex Jinsung Choi
Chairman of the O-RANALLIANCE
and SVP Group Technology at Deutsche Telekom

O-RAN Ecosystem


O-RAN Ecosystem

O-RAN specifications and open software are enabling a broad industry ecosystem.
Companies of different sizes and competencies can use them to create their innovative and competitive open solutions.


PlugFests and
Proofs of Concept


O-RAN Global PlugFests are periodic events organized and co-sponsored by O-RAN ALLIANCE to enable efficient progress of the O-RAN ecosystem through well-organized testing and integration. Vendors and providers come together to test, evaluate and verify their products and solutions.

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Open Testing
and Integration


Open Testing and Integration Centres (OTIC) provide a collaborative, open, and impartial working environment for testing and integration of O-RAN functionality.

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Demonstrations of O-RAN technology and solutions developed by companies based on O-RAN specifications.

O-RAN Demos at MWCVisit O-RAN Virtual Exhibition

O-RAN Ecosystem

White papers and information from O-RAN companies

O-RAN Ecosystem Resources


O-RAN next Generation Research Group (nGRG) focuses on research of open and intelligent RAN principles in 6G and future network standards. nGRG research reports provide outcomes of the research efforts.

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Research Reports

O-RAN nextGeneration Research Group (nGRG) focuses on research of open andintelligent RAN principles in 6G and future network standards. nGRG research reports provide outcomes of theresearch efforts.

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O-RAN Ecosystem

White papers and information from O-RAN companies

O-RAN Ecosystem Resources

Open Software
for the RAN

Open Software for the RAN by the O-RAN Software Community

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O-RAN Ecosystem Resources

Open RAN Technical Priority “Release 4” Document - June 2024

UNDER THE OPEN RAN MOU by Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica, TIM and Vodafone

Open RAN Technical Priority “Release 3” Document - April 2023

Open RAN Technical Priorities Release 3 is an update of the documents published in June 2021 (Release 1) and March 2022 (Release 2) respectively. It is the result of the work carried out under the MoU on Open RAN signed by Deutsche Telekom AG, Orange S.A., Telefónica S.A., TIM S.p.A. and Vodafone Group Plc.

Open RAN Technical Priority “Release 2” Document - March 2022

This Open RAN Technical Priorities Release 2 is an update of the document published in June 2021. It is the result of the work carried out under the MoU on Open RAN signed by Deutsche Telekom AG, Orange S.A., Telefónica S.A., TIM S.p.A. and Vodafone Group Plc. Release 1 focused on the main scenarios and technical requirements for each of the building blocks of a multi-vendor RAN. Release 2 builds on those requirements and focuses on intelligence, orchestration, transport and cloud infrastructure, with the aim of promoting a fully automated and interoperable Open RAN system. The energy efficiency goals and targets to support sustainable Open RAN deployments have also been addressed. It is expected that Open RAN networks will gradually become more energy efficient than traditional RAN, benefiting from Open RAN concepts such as cloudification, disaggregation and native AI. The overall objective is to promote a fast pace for the development of competitive Open RAN solutions in Europe, across other regions and ultimately accelerate the global adoption of the technology. These requirements will evolve over time following the progress of Open RAN standardisation and market development of Open RAN solutions.

Open RAN Security White Paper - March 2022

The ‘Open RAN Security White Paper’ is the result of the work carried out by the security experts of Deutsche Telekom AG, Orange S.A., Telefónica S.A., TIM S.p.A. and Vodafone Group Plc being the signatories of the Open RAN MoU. This document starts with an introduction of the MoU framework, and the O-RAN Alliance organisation and its activities. It focuses on all security aspects within Open RAN technology, describing the risk-based threat modeling and remediation analysis conducted within the O-RAN Alliance for building an effective Open RAN security architecture. In addition, it provides details on the Open RAN Security Focus Group (SFG) activities, which focuses on developing the four security specifications that are the pillars of the Open RAN security architecture. These include threat modeling, security requirements, protocols and tests.

Open RAN Technical Priority Document, by the Open RAN MoU signatories (Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica, TIM and Vodafone) – June 2021

This “Open RAN Technical Priorities Document” is the result of the work carried out under the MoU on Open RAN signed by Deutsche Telekom AG, Orange S.A., Telefónica S.A., TIM and Vodafone Group Plc. This document offers a comprehensive list of technical requirements that the signatories of the Open RAN MoU consider priorities for Open RAN architecture to guide and foster a competitive open RAN ecosystem, promoting openness and flexibility. It includes the main scenarios and radio configurations targeted for operators’ deployment, providing hardware and software requirements for each of the building blocks of a disaggregated RAN. The overall system relies on open interfaces to allow multi-vendor deployment in a fully interoperable manner, and intelligent radio controllers and orchestration in a cloud-native environment to unleash the potential of a fully automated network. The overall objective is to promote a fast pace for the development of open, virtualized and programmable RAN solutions, and support a timely roll-out of open RAN networks in Europe.