Features in O-RAN

O-RAN specifications are enabling a broad industry ecosystem. Defining the complex O-RAN Architecture is a step-by-step process resulting in hundreds of technical documents.
Companies of different sizes and specializations can use O-RAN Specifications to create their innovative and competitive open solutions.
O-RAN specifications serve as a basis for open software reference design.
The O-RAN Software Community hosts developers brought in by many O-RAN players, cooperating on tens of software projects.
O-RAN Global PlugFests are periodic events organized and co-sponsored by O-RAN ALLIANCE to enable efficient progress of the O-RAN ecosystem through well-organized testing and integration. Vendors and providers come together to test, evaluate and verify their products and solutions.
Learn about O-RAN PlugFestsThe O-RAN Certification and Badging Program ensures confidence in O-RAN products. Open Testing and Integration Centres (OTIC) provide a collaborative and neutral environment, and are qualified to issue O-RAN Certificates and Badges.
Explore O-RAN Certification & Badging ProgramLearn about OTICsMobile network operator commitment
O-RAN companies in total
The O-RAN architecture and specifications build on common RAN standards. Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) and industry bodies align with O-RAN ALLIANCE to avoid fragmentation or duplication of efforts. O-RAN specifications are being adopted by ETSI, illustrating the global move towards O-RAN and advancing the O-RAN ALLIANCE’s mission.
The O-RAN Architecture and specifications build on common 3GPP standards and care about alignment
with other industry bodies to ensure compatibility and to avoid duplication of work.
O-RAN ALLIANCE Announces Virtual O-RAN Summit and Demonstrations of O-RAN Technology at MWC Shanghai 2021
O-RAN ALLIANCE Introduces Minimum Viable Plan Towards Commercial O-RAN Solutions and 28 New O-RAN Specifications Released Since November 2020
The “Cherry” Release of O-RAN Open Software Moves the O-RAN Ecosystem Closer to Deployment in Mobile Networks Around the Globe
O-RAN ALLIANCE Announces Virtual O-RAN Summit and Demonstrations of O-RAN Technology at MWC Shanghai 2021
O-RAN ALLIANCE Introduces Minimum Viable Plan Towards Commercial O-RAN Solutions and 28 New O-RAN Specifications Released Since November 2020
The “Cherry” Release of O-RAN Open Software Moves the O-RAN Ecosystem Closer to Deployment in Mobile Networks Around the Globe