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O-RAN Virtual Exhibition Shows Demonstrations of O-RAN Based Technology for Open and Intelligent Radio Access Networks

O-RAN Alliance is proud to present the O-RAN ALLIANCE Virtual Exhibition!

Progressing with the development of commercial O-RAN based solutions, O-RAN ALLIANCE member companies were prepared to present 22 demonstrations of O-RAN based equipment implementations at Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2020. Regardless of MWC’s cancellation, O-RAN is keen to allow presenting the achievements of its members to the general public.

Demonstrations of real O-RAN based equipment in the form of videos, animations, charts or text are now available in one spot. Split into synoptic categories it is easy to navigate to each demo and related product offerings of the participating companies.

O-RAN plans to keep adding more content and features to make its virtual showcase a valuable tool for companies to present their achievements in adding O-RAN based technology into their product roadmaps.

Since its initiation in 2018, O-RAN ALLIANCE has been working hard on re-shaping the Radio Access Network industry towards more intelligent, open, virtualised and fully interoperable RAN solutions. Starting from the specification effort, through releasing open software for the RAN, and supporting member companies in testing & integration, O-RAN has become widely accepted by carriers as well as RAN industry players of all sizes.

We look forward to seeing more demonstrations and commercial products based on O-RAN specifications offered by O-RAN member companies.

Paul Smith


Co-Chair of the O-RAN ALLIANCE’s WG1: Use Cases and Overall Architecture Workgroup

Paul is a Director - Member Technical Staff - with AT&T responsible for O-RAN and RAN Architecture with nearly 33 years of experience in wireless communications.